اشعة راديوية ناتجة عن الانفجار العظيم على شكل فوتونات وذات درجة حرارة تصل الى 2,7 درجة مئوية فوق الصفر المطلق أي 2,7 كلفن، وهي متناسقة القوة في كافة انحاء القبة السماوية وهذا يدل على ان الكون متناسق في شكله.
Background radiation is the ionizing radiation present in the environment. Background radiation originates from a variety of sources, both natural and artificial. Sources include cosmic radiation, and environmental radioactivity from such as naturally occurring radioactive materials including radon and radium, and fallout from nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents.Background radiation is the ionizing radiation present in the environment. Background radiation originates from a variety of sources, both natural and artificial. Sources include cosmic radiation, and environmental radioactivity from such as naturally occurring radioactive materials including radon and radium, and fallout from nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents.
عبارة عن حبات لامعة من الضوء تظهر قبل اكتمال كسوف الشمس الكلي بثوان قليلة او بعد انتهاء الكسوف الكلي بثوان ايضا، وسبب حبات بيلي هو انعكاسات لاشعة الشمس عن فوهات اطراف سطح القم ، وسميت بحبات بيلي نسبة الى العالم الفرنسي(فرانسيس بيلي) 1774-1844 الذي كان اول من لاحظها
The Baily's beads effect, or diamond ring effect, is a feature of total and annular solar eclipses. As the Moon covers the Sun during a solar eclipse, the rugged topography of the lunar limb allows beads of sunlight to shine through in some places while not in others. The effect is named after Francis Baily, who explained the phenomenon in 1836.[1][2] The diamond ring effect is seen when only one bead is left, appearing as a shining "diamond" set in a bright ring around the lunar silhouette.
مجرة حلزونية الشكل في وسطها قضيب من النجوم ويدور باتجاه معاكس لاتجاه دوران المجرة حول نفسها
A barred spiral galaxy is a spiral galaxy with a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars. Bars are found in approximately two-thirds of all spiral galaxies.[1] Bars generally affect both the motions of stars and interstellar gas within spiral galaxies and can affect spiral arms as well. The Milky Way Galaxy, where our own Solar System is located, is classified as a barred spiral galaxy.